saajyam trivarti samyuktam vahninaa yojitam mayaa |
gruhaaNam mamgalam deepam trilokya timiraapahaa ||
Vasate Lakshmi, Kara-Madhye Saraswati
Kara-Moole Sthitaa Gowri, Mangalam
Kara Charana Kritam Vaakkaayajam Karmajam vaa |
Shravanna Nayanajam vaa Maanasam vaaparaadham |
Vihitam-Avihitam Vaa Sarvamethath Kshamasva |
Jaya Jaya Karunaabdhe Shrii Mahaadeva Shambho ||
Karasthe hemadrou Gireesha nikatasthe dhana pathou,
Gruhasthe sarvabujamara surabhi chinthamanir gane,
Shirasthe sheetamsau charana yugalsthe akhila shubha,
Kamartha dasyoham bhavathu bhavadarthe mama mana. 27
In your hands is the Golden mountain, Near you is the Lord of Riches kubera,
In your house is the wish giving tree,
The Cow which grants everything,
The precious stone fulfilling ,
Any wish that enters your mind,
And such many others,
On your head is the moon with cool rays,
And all the good in the world is always on your feet,
And so what can slave offer you my Lord,
Except my mind which can be given as the offering.
Shravanna Nayanajam vaa Maanasam vaaparaadham |
Vihitam-Avihitam Vaa Sarvamethath Kshamasva |
Jaya Jaya Karunaabdhe Shrii Mahaadeva Shambho ||
Karasthe hemadrou Gireesha nikatasthe dhana pathou,
Gruhasthe sarvabujamara surabhi chinthamanir gane,
Shirasthe sheetamsau charana yugalsthe akhila shubha,
Kamartha dasyoham bhavathu bhavadarthe mama mana. 27
In your hands is the Golden mountain, Near you is the Lord of Riches kubera,
In your house is the wish giving tree,
The Cow which grants everything,
The precious stone fulfilling ,
Any wish that enters your mind,
And such many others,
On your head is the moon with cool rays,
And all the good in the world is always on your feet,
And so what can slave offer you my Lord,
Except my mind which can be given as the offering.