Friday, September 29, 2017


Riddle 1

What’s green, but not a leaf; copies others, but is not a monkey?
Think, think! The answer to the riddle is simple, but it definitely has a twist.
  • Here’s a hint: We’re talking about a living being.
Still haven’t got it?
  • Another hint: it’s a bird!
Now come on, it doesn’t get easier than this. Okay, here’s the answer:
Answer: A parrot

Riddle 2

What sleeps through the day and cries through the night. The more it cries, the more it creates light?

Not quite sure about what creates light? The Sun, yes; but this involves fire!
Want a hint?
  • Here’s one: the answer is not an electrical gadget.
Got the answer?
I’m sure you are almost there.
  • Here’s another hint: think about something that makes light by using a matchstick to light it (think about fire!)
Yes, you got that right!
Answer: A candle

Riddle 3

What’s worth more after it’s broken?
Wait! What? How can a broken thing be worth more than when it’s not broken? Confused, eh? Think hard.
  • This broken thing takes very little effort to break; plus you get mamma to break it for you every morning for breakfast.
Yes, you got that right!
Answer: An egg

Riddle 4

It can see, but it isn’t an eye. What is it?
How is this possible? Only eyes can see right? It’s a brain teaser that just seems impossible to solve.
Want a hint?
  • Carpenters make this eye, and not God.
Hmmm… still thinking? Here’s the answer:
Answer: A keyhole.

Riddle 5

What is it that you can’t hold for more than a few seconds?
It’s one of the easy riddles in this list.
Thinking about it? Take deep breaths as you think.
Now, hold your breath. Can you hold it for more than a few seconds? Well, that’s your answer!
Answer: Your breath

Riddle 6

I’m excellent to taste, but horrible to smell. What am I?
What’s excellent to taste? Well, many things. In fact, everything tastes excellent or not excellent to different people. So then what’s the one thing that’s excellent to taste universally?
Or maybe it’s excellent to help us taste?
  • Hint: It’s a body part!
Answer: A tongue

Riddle 7

We are brothers from the same mother, but we’ve never met.
  • Need a hint? The ‘brothers’ are not human beings. Just two related things that occur everyday, but never together.
Got it? Oh, don’t worry. Here’s your answer!
Answer: Day and night

Riddle 8

I have lots of money, but I need someone else to carry me around to spend it.
Wow! A rich riddle!
Now ask yourself; who has lots of money but cannot spend it? Not any rational person right? Because that’s not possible! All people spend money on their own.
Haven’t got it?
Okay, then go straight to the answer.
Answer: A wallet/purse. It holds all our money, but does it spend it?

Riddle 9

What grows only upwards and can never come down?
This one is another one of the easy riddles. Haven’t got it?
  • Think biologically. Look at yourself.
Yes, you got that right!
Answer: Our height

Riddle 10

You can eat me at night, but never in the morning. What am I?
To name a few, I can be vegetables, lentils, junk food, salads, chocolate, hmmm…maybe ice cream?
No, that’s not the correct answer.
  • Here’s a hint: it’s the name of a meal!
Yes, you got that right.
Dinner can never be had in the morning because it’s dinner!
Answer: Your dinner

Riddle 11

I like food, but water kills me. What am I?
Water kills? Never heard of anything that water kills, no?
Think, think! It might be something that water can remove or extinguish. Yes, your guess is right. It is fire!
Answer: Fire

Riddle 12

What has teeth, but cannot chew?
These riddles are getting weirder by the minute, no? How can teeth not chew? I mean the main idea to have teeth is for them to be able to chew, right?
You probably signed in only for easy riddles here! Anyway, let’s think. Do any objects have teeth?
Yes. One object does have teeth, but does not chew.
Answer: A comb

Riddle 13

I am a number. When you add the letter G to me, I go away. What number am I?
How can a number have a letter added to it? Does it mean number spellings? Maybe yes!
Let’s start from the beginning and spell number one. Yes! That’s the answer.
Answer: One (add G and it becomes ‘gone’)

Riddle 14

I am hard like stone, but I grow on your body. What am I?
What hard things grow on us? Is it hair? But hair is not hard. Nails? But nails are not hard like stone, we can cut them. Then what else?
  • Here’s a hint: look inside your mouth!
Yes, there they are. Our teeth!
Answer: A tooth

Riddle 15

I am made of water, but I’m not wet. What am I?
How can water not be wet? Let’s analyse: water is wet, ice is wet, and juices are wet. Anything made of water will be wet, no?
  • Hint: it’s the gaseous form of water.
Got it?
Answer: A cloud

Riddle 16

I have hands, but cannot hold a thing.
These riddles are really racking our brains no? How can something have hands, but not hold anything?
Let’s think about things that have hands: human beings have hands, animals have hands, statues have hands, and clocks have hands.
Yes, clocks have hands, but they cannot hold!
Answer: A clock

Riddle 17

I am black in colour, yet I’m colourless. What am I?
If something is black, how can it be colourless? A real tough brain teaser, isn’t it?
Answer: A shadow

Riddle 18

I can carry lots of food, but cannot eat anything.
This one actually one of the promised easy riddles. Just think of all the things that hold or carry food – the kitchen shelf, the snack cabinet, and the fridge.
Don’t you think the fridge holds all our cooked food, but cannot eat any of it?
Answer: A refrigerator

Riddle 19

You cannot come in or go out without me. What am I?
No, we’re not talking about mummy’s permission here. Yes, you cannot come in or go out without it but the answer here is a bit more technical.
  • Hint: you use this every day. It keeps your house safe.
Answer: A door

Riddle 20

I’m a single digit number having no value. Which number am I?
Let’s count. Start from number one…. But all numbers, from number 1 onwards have a value? Which number can it be?
  • Hint: This number comes before number 1.
Answer: Number 0 (zero)

Riddle 21

I’m as hard as a rock, but I melt immediately in hot water. What am I?
A rock that melts in hot water? What kind of a rock is it?
  • A hint: The rock is made of water.
What? Made of water? Hmmm…is it the solid form of water?
Yes it is!
Answer: An ice cube

 Riddle 22

I use my ear to speak and my mouth to hear. What am I?
Are these easy riddles or puzzling riddles? How can something speak with ears and hear with the mouth? Oh! Maybe because it’s not a human being but a thing!
It’s something mom and dad use everyday!
Answer: A phone

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Fun with Learning games

1. States/Countries and Capitals
Let the kids choose a state and learn the capital, then quiz them at dinner. (Keep a running list so you know the answers as well!) When they get all the states on the list right, they can choose another state to add.

2.words jar - Cutout the words from newspapers or magazine and keep them in a jar
  Ask kid to pick one and create a proper sentence with this word.This word can come anywhere in a sentence

3. Discussion diary - for some time, parent and child to communicate through eriting in this notebook only(can be done twice in a week in relaxed time ) 

4.Easy Reading Aloud - read the favourite story book and voice record the message.And make him listen and ask for his opinion

5. Spy the word using pocket dictionary and encourage kid to use the newly found word in future conversations
  In note book/paper, make below columns
  Word | Where this word is used | What i thought | What is dictionary meaning
       |                         |                |     
6. Write a sentence on each of the paper and keep all of them in a jar, so that altogether can     make a story
    Ask your kid to pick them one-by one and tell the story by arranging them in order
7. Form as many words as you can from kids full name (Sarvigari neelima reddy) dad red
                                                                                          gang lime etc 
8. Guessing game : one team should think of a person/country/animal/flower/color etc
    other team should guess it in 20 questions

Family time games

1.Thorns and Roses game 

Go around the table and ask each person to share the rose (the best or most special part of their day), and the thorn (the most difficult part of their day). 


Before dinner, have each dinner guest write their answers to one or more of the following questions on slips of paper and place them in a hat. At dinnertime, the host reads the answers aloud, and everyone tries to guess which guest gave which answers!
  • What is a book that transformed your life?
  • What character in a children’s book did you most identify with as a child?
  • What was your favorite toy as a child?
  • What do you feel most grateful for?
  • What do you love most about being a part of this (or your) family?
  • What animal would you most like to be?
3. CAT and COW

One person at the table is the “leader.” The leader says either “Cat” or “Cow.” When the leader says “Cat,” the others meow. When the leader says “Cow,” the others moo. Keep saying “Cat” and “Cow,” faster and faster, switching back and forth and making the pattern more and more random until somebody “moos” when they should have “meowed” or “meows” when they should have “mooed!”

Keep a Family Joke Jar handy for nights when the dinner table could use some humor! Let each member of the family write favorite jokes on slips of paper and put them into an empty mason jar, jelly jar or can. When you think a good joke or two might lift everyone’s spirits, bring the jar to the table and take turns drawing slips and telling the jokes.

Come up with a topic together – or put some ideas in a jar and pull out one randomly. Examples include a season or a person or place, or anything really! Then go around the table and have everyone name something silly or serious they love about that season or person or place until you have twenty items. Make sure to write everything down 


 Everyone thinks of a person, place or thing that needs help. On a piece of paper, write down 5 ways to help that person, place or thing. Have the rest of the table guess what person, place or thing you are helping by sharing just those 5 ways of helping on your list!

Write several words on slips of paper and put them in a box. Have each person at the table choose a word from the box. These words are now your “Story Starters”- Everyone at the table has to help make up a story using all the words that were chosen!


Ask everyone at the table to say three things about themselves: two true things and one thing that’s made up. The rest of the table will guess which is the tall tale.